NCover Documentation

Bolt Category Filter

Here are the options for the command line category selection.

Include Category

Note: "Category1" can be a fixture or test.

bolt.exe MyTests.dll /i="Category1"

Include Multiple Categories

bolt.exe MyTests.dll /i="Category1" /i="Category2"


bolt.exe MyTests.dll /i="Category1,Category2"

Include Category With Filter

This will test scenarios where both a category and a filter are used (the categories being both inside and outside the filter).

This option should skip items tagged with the category that are outside the scope of the filter.

bolt.exe MyTests.dll /f="MyCategoryTests" /i="Short"

Exclude Category

Note: "Category1" can be a fixture or test.

bolt.exe MyTests.dll /e="Category1"

Exclude Multiple Categories

bolt.exe MyTests.dll /e="Short" /e="Long"


bolt.exe MyTests.dll /e="Short,Long"

Exclude Category with Filter

This will test scenarios where both a category and a filter are used (the categories being both inside and outside the filter)

This exclude should skip the items tagged with the category that are inside the scope of the filter.

bolt.exe MyTests.dll /f="CategoryTests" /e="Long"

Include and Exclude

This will test scenarios where a category is included and another category nested inside is excluded.

This option should run all included tests, except for the excluded category.

bolt.exe MyTests.dll /i="Category2" /e="Long"

Include Regex

Note: The regex must be placed between forward slashes.

bolt.exe MyTests.dll /i="/Category[0-9]/"

Multiple Regex

bolt.exe MyTests.dll /i="/RegexTest*/" /i="/Different*/"


bolt.exe MyTests.dll /i="/RegexTest*/,/Different*/"

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